Tips To Help You Live Each Moment This Summer

It’s Summer… It’s Summer….. IT”S SUMMER!! As an educator, it’s the word I’ve waited to come to life since, I don’t know, spring break?

It’s also the time when I say “Let’s plan that this summer!” or “I’ll get to that over the summer!”. Now, a week into it, and I’m planning, writing, scheduling appointments, and kind of going crazy.. Where’s the JOY? Where’s the FREEDOM? Where’s the HYPE? Well, it’s what you make of it and let me remind you educators that summer is short lived , so LIVE every moment..

Here are a few LIVE EACH MOMENT summer tips I have for you.

Quote of the Week

I”m a huge quote person, just ask my students! “Think outside the Box” or “Believe and you will” are just a few that adorned the desks in my classroom . This summer? Take a quote each week and digest it. This week’s quote? “Everything in life is just for a while” by Phillip K Dick.

Playdates with God

I’m currently reading this really insightful book entitled Playdates with God by Laura J. Boggess. In her first chapter she discusses the Trampoline and how she remembers what it feels like to be a child while jumping on a trampoline- innocent, fearless, weightless, joyful. She encourages us to seek out moments where we can find joy- a playdate with God.


I am a scheduler. Without one, I flail around like a fish out of water , or sleep in til 9, whatever you’d like to call it! I get lazy… So, I came up with a schedule- for me AND my kids. For Example:

  • 7:30am Bible Reading
  • 8am Working out
  • 8:45 Breakfast together
  • 9:30-11:30 Entrepreneurship (Kid shark tank); History (Abraham Lincoln); Math (ixl, flash cards, puzzles); Science (summer science experiments) Reading (books of choice- visit library)
  • 12- Lunch together
  • 1-4pm Relax time (art, games, read , movie, pool, park, music, *tech limited)
  • 5pm Dinner together
  • 6pm Walk , game, tv together
  • 9pm Bed..Prayers… Recap of Day.

Field trips

Based on what my kids are learning throughout the summer, I schedule a simple field trip to go along with it! For example, they’re reading all about President Lincoln this summer in preparation for their visit this July to Lincoln’s home/tomb. They’re also visiting Navy Pier in Chicago this summer,so we’re learning about the Ferris Wheel and how it was made. For science? A visit to the Orlando Science Center. Finally, weekly trips to the library will get them excited about films and books of interest.

I hope you’ve found this helpful in making sure that your SUMMER doesn’t just go by without meaning and purpose. Isn’t that why we’re here? To have a vision, a purpose, a family life that thrives?? Enjoy your summer, until next week!